The responsibility rests with patients to contact CANSA for assistance. Read more...

CANSA and ReboundSA Bounce-a-thon 2024

Save the Date – 26 October 2024!

Rebound SA, along with many of our national affiliated studios and instructors will be facilitating rebounding classes throughout the day across Southern Africa to raise funds for CANSA.

This is the 4th edition of the annual CANSA & Rebound SA Bounce-A-Thon – with the 2023 event raising R80 000 by our instructors from 30+ studios!

If there isn’t a class near you – you can join in online!

Let’s bounce to fitness and support CANSA in its mission as a non-profit fighting cancer, to enable research, educate the public and advocate for and support all people affected by cancer.

There are 40+ studios and instructors affiliated to ReboundSA having registered to offer classes where 100% of the funds raised by each studio will be donated to CANSA. Tickets to join a class (live in studio or online, for approximately 60 mins per class) range from R100 – R200 each and can be bought through Quicket or at the studio door!

All participants should note the event disclaimer:

 A balanced lifestyle will reduce your cancer risk and includes making smart food and drink choices; being physically active on a regular basis; maintaining a healthy weight; and avoiding known cancer-causing agents (carcinogens) such as tobacco and alcohol.

All proceeds will go to CANSA

For more information contact: Leillani Geduld | | 0823041272 or Justine McFarlane | |   073 177 7439