The responsibility rests with patients to contact CANSA for assistance. Read more...

Altus van Wyk and Johann Jacobs Take on the Absa Cape Epic for CANSA

Altus van Wyk and Johann Jacobs (JJ) are gearing up to conquer the legendary Absa Cape Epic, one of the toughest mountain biking challenges in the world. Riding as passionate advocates for CANSA, their journey is about more than endurance—it’s about hope. With every turn of their pedals, Altus and Johann aim to raise awareness and funds to support CANSA’s care and support programmes for those affected by cancer.

Join us in cheering on these incredible athletes as they ride to make a difference! Here’s their inspiring story:

Life, just as a grueling event like the Absa Cape Epic, is not always easy. What an absolute great privilege it is to then partake in a world renowned event, testing one’s limits, for the benefit CANSA – an organisation, which also leads cancer patients to better and beautiful destinations.

JJ and Altus met each other at the University of Pretoria as students. Their love for mountain biking, motor biking and triathlons has cemented their friendship with a myriad of events they have done as a unit. From Wines2Whales, Sani2C and now the Absa Cape Epic 2025, the duo is looking forward to making a difference in their, as well as cancer patients’, lives.

Support Altus and JJ’s Absa Cape Epic adventure by donating online.