The responsibility rests with patients to contact CANSA for assistance. Read more...

Introducing Team R (Squared): Riding the Absa Cape Epic 2025 for CANSA

Meet Team R (Squared), the dynamic duo of Rupert and Rupert, who are taking on the grueling Absa Cape Epic 2025 to make a difference in the fight against cancer. Known for their passion, perseverance, and dedication, this inspiring team is riding to raise funds and awareness for CANSA’s care and support programmes.

We think we speak for many people out there. If you haven’t been touched or affected by cancer or someone who is fighting the fight against cancer, or even someone who has admirably lost the fight against cancer, you are probably living under a rock. Join us in raising funds for CANSA Active, an organisation dedicated to promoting an active lifestyle and fighting cancer. Your donation will make a meaningful impact on the lives of those affected by cancer. By raising funds for CANSA Active, we get to take part in the 2025 Absa Cape Epic and tough it out on our bikes for 8 days, always thinking of the journey that people with cancer have to make. However difficult the journey, we will not give up. We RIDE because not everybody CAN!

Support CANSA Active with Team R-Squared by donating online.